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title. youth strike 4 climate

date. 15th february 2019

location. london

spec. canon eos 600d, 50mm lens


so far this is definately one of the best protests I have ever been too, purely becuase of how spontaneous and raw the emotion was. students angry about the irreversible damage society as a whole is inflicting on our planet which we have to live in for decades. students were climbing on tour busses, scaling traffic lights, sitting in front of cars and forcing our protests through roads before taking to trafalgar square for a final show of our force and it was pretty impressive. it was lovelty to see students of all ages, from primary school children to people taking there a levels in may this year. at one point I rejoined part of the march that was now going across waterloo bridge and we walked down the middle of the road, chanting and weaving through the cars. even if the government and others don't listen to our protests that doesn't mean it is not successful as half the point is the empower those on the march and I think this one certainly did that.

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